61.   The Pentagon also is quietly investing billions to modernize the missile force even as some say the time is fast approaching to eliminate the entire ICBM arsenal.

62.   The Shanghai government, on the other hand, invested billions of dollars in an incinerator, but some environmentalists criticize the method.

63.   They asserted the trust fund has billions of assets invested in the form of Treasury bonds.

64.   To meet the demand, companies are expected to invest billions in new technology, including the introduction of the more modern digital system.

65.   We invested billions of ringgit in building and upgrading infrastructure when others are still trying to deliver clear drinking water to their rural poor.

66.   The wealthy KMT business empire has seven major holding companies investing billions of dollars within Taiwan and abroad.

67.   Total has spent years negotiating to invest billions of dollars in the giant Nahr Omar oilfield.

68.   Vietnam still needs to invest billions of dollars in infrastructure to use the gas, which it hopes to export throughout the region.

69.   Manufacturers have already invested billions of dollars on existing equipment.

70.   Organised crime is profiting from economic liberalisation by legally investing billions of dollars of drug money in the private sector, according to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

v. + billion >>共 357
spend 13.60%
cost 5.14%
lose 5.01%
invest 2.99%
pour 2.74%
pay 2.32%
save 2.32%
have 2.06%
pump 1.77%
seek 1.77%
invest + n. >>共 255
money 33.00%
fund 6.15%
million 5.63%
billion 3.70%
part 2.66%
portion 2.61%
amount 2.24%
proceeds 2.19%
hundred 1.88%
cash 1.72%
每页显示:    共 71