61.   Addicts get a heroin-like high by chewing the pills or crushing them and then injecting the drug.

62.   Adolescent girls and boys are now among those at the highest risk of HIV infection due to having unprotected sex or sharing contaminated needles while injecting drugs.

63.   Both mother and son were heroin addicts, and Ng, a hawker, would often help his mother inject the drug.

64.   But abusers of the drug grind tablets into powder and snort or inject the drug to produce feelings of euphoria.

65.   But addicts have found they can get a quick, heroin-like high by chewing the pills or crushing them and snorting or injecting the drug.

66.   He warned that a depressed economic climate and a collapse in drug prices could help spread the practice of injecting drugs.

67.   In those regions, the virus, which initially hit homosexuals hardest, is now spreading rapidly to heterosexuals and addicts who inject drugs.

68.   It said that adolescents are vulnerable to infection through sex and by injecting drugs.

69.   Miller had multiple sclerosis and used a device that injected lethal drugs to die.

70.   Most of those affected are young people, who are spreading HIV by injecting drugs and through sexual encounters.

v. + drug >>共 389
use 10.78%
take 10.37%
sell 4.55%
develop 3.42%
approve 2.71%
prescribe 2.63%
fight 2.47%
find 2.28%
smuggle 1.79%
buy 1.74%
inject 0.78%
inject + n. >>共 491
drug 5.35%
life 3.86%
money 3.79%
capital 3.59%
fund 3.04%
cell 2.10%
cash 1.83%
patient 1.83%
heroin 1.69%
note 1.62%
每页显示:    共 79