61.   The two companies will continue to exist as legally independent entities, they said.

62.   The two groups backed a provision which would only allow the FCC to license a limited number of stations so that an independent entity could study potential interference.

63.   They have conflicting views on whether the Visx would be better off as an independent entity or as part of a larger firm.

64.   To the more nationalist Bosnian Serb parties, the Bosnian Serb republic is an independent entity in Bosnia with stronger ties to Yugoslavia than the Muslim-Croat federation.

65.   He called for all specialised economic administrative units to be broken off from the government and converted into independent entities.

66.   As an independent entity, Lucent hopes to be able to penetrate the market for telephone equipment represented by ATT competitors.

67.   But the Chinese government suspects him of supporting secession and trying by any means possible to get the island recognized as an independent entity in the international arena.

68.   China views Taiwan as a renegade province and its government as a regional administration and has refused to treat Taiwan as an independent political entity.

a. + entity >>共 468
separate 9.59%
new 7.65%
serb 5.93%
political 3.87%
single 3.65%
corporate 3.18%
the 3.10%
palestinian 3.05%
independent 2.92%
legal 2.71%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
entity 0.35%
每页显示:    共 68