61.   Those in the convent say history has taught them what to expect.

62.   Whether the Persian Gulf War or Haiti, recent history teaches the latter.

63.   Yet history teaches that people are more apt to remember inaugural addresses for their guideposts to the future than for their commentaries on the past.

64.   Yet history teaches us that new operating systems have technical difficulties.

65.   Our history has taught us that the fall of martyrs in any national cause has never deterred activists from continuing their struggle.

66.   But history has taught that there are different times for birth, growth and death.

67.   History has taught some lessons in tight races.

68.   If there is one thing that our history has taught us, it is that silence, in the face of crisis, is not the solution.

69.   This is what history has taught us and senior economists such as Milton Friedman have argued against.

70.   South African history had taught that domination delivered only short-term security and stability.

n. + teach >>共 677
school 5.58%
experience 5.21%
father 4.92%
mother 3.79%
history 3.31%
teacher 3.17%
parent 2.74%
program 1.75%
church 1.56%
professor 1.33%
history + v. >>共 487
be 31.56%
show 7.27%
repeat 5.02%
suggest 5.02%
have 3.16%
tell 1.96%
say 1.88%
teach 1.86%
judge 1.46%
prove 1.27%
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