61.   He says of course we were disappointed in not having the holiday but moreso the children who were absolutely devastates when they heard the news.

62.   Yorkshire heard the news with some relief for they have badly missed his batting skills.

63.   Many children heard the news before their parents because they were listening to schools programmes on the wireless.

64.   I put on the wireless and heard the news that King George VI had died.

65.   Our neighbour from the next door flat, a Dutch Javanese married to a Scotsman, came rushing in to see if we had heard the news.

66.   When Charlie heard the news of victory he was training some raw recruits on a rifle range in Edinburgh.

67.   I want yous to be quiet, I wanna hear the news.

68.   His father had a heart attack when he heard the news!

69.   On hearing the news, her boyfriend promptly dumps her and father has a fatal heart attack.

70.   Although they had not spoken since the arrest, she felt confident her daughter had heard the news.

v. + news >>共 541
hear 9.39%
make 6.23%
break 5.00%
get 4.38%
welcome 4.34%
receive 3.49%
have 3.41%
take 3.11%
release 2.97%
follow 2.59%
hear + n. >>共 761
case 7.79%
argument 4.47%
explosion 4.18%
voice 3.68%
news 3.25%
testimony 2.63%
appeal 2.43%
shot 2.39%
story 2.23%
sound 2.22%
每页显示:    共 540