61.   Meanwhile, teen-agers got in their last licks at Israeli troops, throwing a few stones at soldiers lounging outside the army headquarters building.

62.   Most of those injured, the report said, were near the army headquarters building which was hit twice within a quarter-hour period before dawn.

63.   On Friday morning, an armored bulldozer rumbled up to the fortress-like Palestinian headquarters building and started knocking down the exterior wall, witnesses said.

64.   Russian soldiers then scattered a group of rebels preparing to continue the attack on the headquarters building, he said.

65.   Roberts said the company would preserve the legacy of founder Charles Tandy by keeping his name on the headquarters building.

66.   Shea said gunmen opened fire on the tanks, which were firing machine guns and shells at a refugee camp near the headquarters building.

67.   Serb spokesman Col. Milovan Milutinovic denied lobbing two shells that punched large holes in the U.N. headquarters building Thursday night.

68.   Serb spokesman Col. Milovan Milutinovic denied that they lobbed two shells that punched large holes in the U.N. headquarters building Thursday night.

69.   Some of the protesters scuffled with police outside the government headquarters building, but no injuries were reported.

70.   Speed boats and ski jets with security agents aboard raced back and forth on the East River in front of the headquarters building.

n. + building >>共 813
office 18.62%
government 14.60%
parliament 5.31%
school 4.17%
brick 2.50%
embassy 1.91%
court 1.81%
administration 1.52%
three-story 1.42%
settlement 1.24%
headquarters 1.17%
headquarters + n. >>共 95
building 24.67%
staff 9.02%
city 4.77%
complex 4.24%
office 4.24%
compound 3.45%
official 3.45%
downtown 2.92%
hotel 2.65%
move 2.39%
每页显示:    共 92