61.   With the friends capitalism has had throughout its history, it really needs no enemies.

62.   Your relationship with your brothers and sisters can provide the most sustaining emotional support and companionship you will have throughout life.

63.   Zimmer tried to go on the offensive, accusing Torricelli of lapses in judgment and ethics, as he has throughout the campaign.

64.   Abdel-Rahman kept his head bowed, as he had throughout the trial while he listened to an interpreter through headphones.

65.   Abdel-Rahman kept his head bowed, as he had throughout the trial while listening to an interpreter through headphones.

66.   Abdel-Rahman, a blind cleric, kept his head bowed, as he had throughout the trial, while he listened to an interpreter through headphones.

67.   And reports of bombings and of clashes between separatists and Indian soldiers have surfaced almost daily since he took over, as they have throughout the uprising.

68.   As they have throughout the Bosnian war, Croats and Muslims still living in Banja Luka faced threats and intimidation to force them to leave.

69.   As she has throughout her career, Borders also has had to be prepared to handle the reaction to her presence.

70.   Benjamin said she and other Greens are frustrated by the lack of media access they have had throughout the campaign.

v. + throughout >>共 1244
spread 5.97%
continue 4.69%
scattered 4.32%
hear 2.27%
feel 1.70%
hold 1.65%
lead 1.51%
use 1.40%
find 1.23%
know 1.19%
have 1.19%
have + p. >>共 100
in 36.78%
for 10.46%
to 7.21%
until 5.80%
since 5.55%
on 5.30%
as 4.14%
about 2.77%
of 2.58%
before 2.24%
throughout 0.47%
每页显示:    共 85