61.   Last week Suharto imposed an ban on all land clearing and warned that harsh penalties would be imposed on offenders.

62.   Meanwhile, harsh penalties, including capital punishment, have been instituted for drug offenses.

63.   Nine states and the District of Columbia are seeking harsh penalties against Microsoft for violating antitrust law and hurting consumer choice.

64.   Public dissent is not tolerated in Vietnam and even minor incidents can incur harsh penalties, a report by a visiting group of Australian legislators said.

65.   Riley supports federal mandatory suspensions for kids who bring firearms to school, but his support for harsh penalties for students who bully or tease is not as automatic.

66.   Singapore, a strict city-state in Southeast Asia, is renown for its intolerance to crime and its harsh penalties for major crimes such as drug dealing.

67.   The amended Computer Misuse Act seeks to enhance security, deter computer criminals with harsh penalties, and broaden powers to investigate such misdeeds.

68.   The case prompted a high-level investigation and warnings of harsh penalties for companies who mislabel garbage.

69.   The department and half the states settled last year, but the possibility of harsh penalties are hanging over the software giant.

70.   The legislation sets harsh penalties for those who trade in human beings.

a. + penalty >>共 623
maximum 12.10%
criminal 3.91%
stiffer 3.42%
financial 3.26%
severe 2.93%
tougher 2.77%
stiff 2.44%
civil 2.20%
harsher 2.14%
harsh 1.67%
harsh + n. >>共 607
word 8.36%
criticism 7.28%
winter 5.28%
condition 4.25%
reality 3.64%
weather 2.86%
punishment 2.59%
treatment 2.22%
rhetoric 2.10%
penalty 2.00%
每页显示:    共 82