61.   By proposing a cease-fire, Sharon may be seeking to put the pressure on the Palestinians to take action to halt attacks on the Israelis.

62.   Croatian soldiers pressed toward the self-declared capital of rebel Serbs today after the rebels reneged on a promise to halt their attacks on a besieged Bosnian enclave.

63.   Despite new international calls for Serb leaders to halt their attacks in Kosovo, many ethnic Albanian refugees in the embattled region are losing hope.

64.   Despite the crackdown, the Palestinian Authority is negotiating with Hamas to halt attacks on Israelis, at least temporarily, officials from both sides said Friday.

65.   Despite the ongoing crackdown, the Palestinian Authority is negotiating with Hamas to halt attacks on Israelis, at least temporarily, officials from both sides said Friday.

66.   Falouji suggested a pledge to halt attacks would pave the way for formal talks on recognizing Hamas as a legitimate political organization.

67.   Estrada has said he will extend the deadline for a peace deal only if the rebels abandon their secessionist goal and halt attacks.

68.   Federal troops halted their attack Friday after meeting heavy resistance as they moved closer to the station, the Russian command in Chechnya told Interfax.

69.   Even that division is negotiable once peace talks are resumed, U.S. officials said, hoping to induce the Serbs to halt their attacks and to negotiate.

70.   Finding fault with both sides, the State Department demanded Tuesday that Palestinians halt their attacks on Israelis.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
halt 1.68%
halt + n. >>共 855
attack 4.58%
production 3.15%
construction 2.86%
traffic 2.82%
violence 2.74%
operation 2.59%
work 2.17%
sale 1.81%
play 1.79%
service 1.49%
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