61.   Tired and hungry, we had hailed a cab to the closest restaurant, a mere seven blocks away.

62.   To get a van to stop, people stand by the curb, usually just beyond the intersection, and signal, much like hailing a cab.

63.   Vaughan tried to hail a cab during an overnight stop in Washington, D.C.

64.   Usually an assault is committed when a customer hails a cab on the street that has been stolen by thieves.

65.   We hailed a cab and arrived at her stop so quickly that I decided to get out and walk the rest of the way.

66.   Was it the same reason that nearly every black person who frequently hails cabs can tell stories about being passed up?

67.   What does an editorial writer say before hailing a cab?

68.   When an aide failed to hail a cab, she stepped into the street to do it herself.

69.   When she hails the cab on Thursday evening, the destination will be Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center.

70.   When the happy diner leaves, the only question is whether the restaurant is going to hail a cab or provide a sedan chair.

v. + cab >>共 109
hail 19.07%
drive 13.72%
take 13.02%
get 3.95%
call 3.72%
find 2.79%
catch 2.56%
share 2.09%
steal 1.63%
leave 1.63%
hail + n. >>共 416
decision 8.91%
agreement 5.79%
cab 5.33%
move 4.68%
ruling 3.25%
taxi 3.12%
vote 2.34%
accord 2.02%
result 1.50%
deal 1.43%
每页显示:    共 82