61.   On Thursday, Israeli helicopter gunships fired up to five air-to-surface rockets at Hezbollah guerrillas in mountain strongholds in south Lebanon.

62.   One helicopter gunship fired a guided missile at a Lebanese police jeep, killing two policemen, said the sources, speaking on condition of anonymity.

63.   On Tuesday morning, Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at Palestinian security headquarters in the town of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, causing severe damage.

64.   Police said three Cobra gunships fired six rockets before dawn, hitting the house of a dissident Palestinian guerrilla leader.

65.   Russian helicopter gunships fired on the militants later Saturday, but the gunmen remained in position Sunday.

66.   Russian helicopter gunships fired rockets at Chechen rebels southeast of the capital Thursday amid reports that Moscow is planning a major new offensive in Chechnya.

67.   Russian helicopter gunships fired at Tajik opposition positions along the Tajik-Afghan border Monday, the fourth straight day of fighting.

68.   Russian helicopter gunships fired on the militants later Saturday, but the gunmen remained in position Sunday morning.

69.   Russian helicopter gunships fired at Tajik opposition positions along the Tajik-Afghan border on Monday, the fourth straight day of fighting.

70.   Russian news reports said the Interior Ministry gunships fired on the positions where the gunmen were believed to be deployed in Dagestan, a Russian republic that borders Chechnya.

n. + fire >>共 698
police 16.66%
soldier 7.79%
troop 6.78%
gunman 5.10%
guerrilla 4.80%
force 3.73%
helicopter 3.14%
rebel 2.65%
officer 2.16%
tank 2.04%
gunship 1.28%
gunship + v. >>共 105
fire 20.25%
strafe 6.57%
attack 6.39%
fly 6.04%
hover 4.09%
blast 3.91%
rocket 3.91%
circle 3.20%
kill 2.13%
open 1.95%
每页显示:    共 113