61.   Those with gum disease were all much more likely to be low-income, black, older and overweight.

62.   Using Ayurvedic toothpaste made from natural astringents and antiseptics with herb extracts eliminate many dental problems, especially gum diseases.

63.   You may already have gum disease.

64.   The monkeys contracted the virus even without sores in their mouths or gum disease that made them susceptible to infection.

65.   Peng -- who suffers from a liver ailment and gum disease -- appeared fit as he faced the tribunal in proceedings later aired on local television.

n. + disease >>共 286
cow 35.89%
lung 6.05%
kidney 5.57%
bowel 4.58%
brain 4.55%
skin 3.39%
ulcer 2.21%
blood 2.11%
gum 2.08%
eye 1.86%
gum + n. >>共 50
disease 33.68%
tree 8.81%
wrapper 6.74%
surgery 5.18%
paste 4.66%
ball 4.15%
tissue 3.63%
infection 2.59%
line 2.59%
machine 2.07%
每页显示:    共 65