61.   They concede the world has grown beyond their ability to command or control.

62.   They have also built power plants in other parts of the United States in their efforts to grow beyond their traditional territories.

63.   Those laws first arose when businesses grew beyond the control of state and local institutions, and therefore some federal power was needed to rein them in.

64.   To grow beyond our prejudices, we must drink it down.

65.   To grow beyond a certain size, tumors must induce a nearby blood vessel to sprout new branches that will supply them with oxygen and nutrients.

66.   Tommy and Scoop have grown now beyond first kittenhood, and are unmistakably cats, if still smallish ones.

67.   Top executives gave few hints during a one-hour conference call, however, as to how business might grow beyond the fourth quarter.

68.   Until they grow beyond reach, crape myrtles can have their branches tied in after they go dormant.

69.   Wants automatic spending cuts when the budget deficit grows beyond its target.

70.   We believe, however, that Clinton is capable of growing beyond the ethical legacies of her Arkansas and White House years.

v. + beyond >>共 682
extend 12.37%
look 8.16%
go 5.82%
spread 3.95%
reach 3.84%
get 3.65%
expand 3.38%
burn 3.01%
lie 2.03%
see 1.70%
grow 1.58%
grow + p. >>共 103
at 15.27%
from 9.90%
to 8.79%
with 7.67%
by 6.62%
as 6.29%
for 6.00%
over 4.49%
in 2.69%
through 2.69%
beyond 1.55%
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