61.   With family members traveling greater distances to arrive at the reunion location, they want to spend more time with the family once they are gathered.

62.   Yet they are separated by a far greater distance, one they say they never envisioned back in Cuba.

63.   Yet, psychologically speaking, the Tacovic family has traveled a far greater distance than the thousands of miles from Dayton to Sarajevo.

64.   Yet they are separated by a far greater distance, one they never envisioned back in Cuba.

65.   A philosopher might say it covers a much greater distance -- from communism to capitalism, from iron rule to freedom.

66.   Africanized honey bees attack in furious swarms with little provocation and pursue victims over much greater distances than more common European bees.

67.   Because of the greater distance between the new airport and the city center, it will cost more than twice as much to reach the new airport.

68.   But most major Internet companies have kept a greater distance from porn sales, and thousands of users swamped Yahoo with angry e-mails.

69.   For Tigray, the greater distance also means higher transport costs.

70.   India and Pakistan continued to upgrade their ballistic missiles, enabling them to deliver their nuclear weapons at greater distances.

a. + distance >>共 530
short 13.45%
long 8.25%
striking 7.45%
walking 6.86%
safe 5.88%
great 3.99%
greater 2.54%
driving 1.86%
same 1.83%
longer 1.77%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
distance 0.50%
每页显示:    共 85