61.   The horse was given the freedom of the White House lawn while its master was in office.

62.   The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is giving unusual freedom to Seabrook, sharply reducing some types of inspections and allowing workers to do more repairs when the plant is running.

63.   Then, arcane work rules were discarded and employees were given more freedom to make decisions.

64.   These managers would be far better stock pickers if their clients gave them the freedom to lag behind the market for a few quarters along the way.

65.   Under the second option, Medicare beneficiaries would enroll in private health plans that gave patients freedom to choose their doctors and hospitals.

66.   Unlike the proverbial apron strings, which are considered restraints, a motherline gives freedom by supplying a life preserver to those about to dive into the open sea.

67.   We had fed him six weeks, I gave him freedom,

68.   West Virginia, like many states, gives employers freedom to hire and fire at will, without explanation.

69.   When he recovered, he was given the freedom of the grounds at Fort Lincoln in Dakota Territory.

70.   While state lawmakers gave charters freedom to mold fresh, new programs, they did little to ensure those programs meet minimum standards imposed on traditional public schools.

v. + freedom >>共 405
have 10.74%
restrict 5.15%
guarantee 3.38%
demand 3.29%
win 3.18%
give 2.98%
limit 2.95%
enjoy 2.81%
allow 2.72%
protect 2.32%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
freedom 0.16%
每页显示:    共 103