61.   Buying a used car will always be a gamble, but you can improve your odds of getting a good deal by first doing some research on the Web.

62.   Chicago had to get by Detroit.

63.   Colds get better by themselves, but allergies and sinusitis persist and often need medical treatment.

64.   Coming down the lane, nobody was going to get by him.

65.   Consulting his friendly neighborhood bartender, he is advised that the appropriate response is to get even by hiring a pair of professional thugs to beat up Sid.

66.   Customers get them by sending in disks they no longer desire.

67.   Davenport is also a defending gold medal winner but may have to get by one of her own teammates to return to the podium.

68.   Dealers today place blind orders for anything they can get by the best-known potters.

69.   Critics have complained that the serpentine romantic relations on the show, topped off by Rachel getting pregnant by Ross but loved by Joey, signal creative bankruptcy.

70.   Detroit had to get by Boston.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
start 1.05%
produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
get 0.55%
get + p. >>共 91
on 24.47%
in 23.07%
past 7.58%
to 4.29%
by 3.27%
with 3.04%
in_touch_with 2.94%
inside 2.87%
behind 2.74%
in_the_way_of 2.69%
每页显示:    共 416