61.   But for the first time, officials disclosed Sunday that forces from at least six other nations that have deployed troops to Afghanistan are engaged in the combat.

62.   But Croatia still refuses to withdraw its forces from the newly recaptured territory.

63.   But later that year it was invaded by forces from the Soviet Union and other Warsaw pact countries, and a political crackdown ensued.

64.   But popular resentment against U.S. servicemen did hasten the departure of U.S. forces from the Philippines.

65.   But Russia has already vowed to veto any attempt by the NATO allies to receive explicit authorization to use force from the U.N. Security Council.

66.   But the core of the coming talks are plans for Palestinian elections throughout the territories and a companion withdrawal of Israeli forces from West Bank cities and towns.

67.   But the commission found that commanders in the Persian Gulf were still not devoting enough attention to protecting American forces from attack, the officials said on Friday.

68.   But the House refused either to order Clinton to withdraw U.S. forces from the Balkans or to formally declare war against Yugoslavia.

69.   But the rebels are careful to use the area only to transport supplies and do not attack Serbian forces from Macedonia, as they have in northern Albania.

70.   But the unsettling gravitational forces from such large planets in close proximity could have cleared the neighborhood of smaller bodies.

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