61.   He said rebel forces fought outside Kasese on Tuesday, but that he had no information about the situation there today.

62.   His paramilitary forces fought and terrorized non-Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia during the wars there.

63.   In related news, SPLA officials Sunday said that their forces were fighting Sudanese government troops along the border with Eritrea in the east.

64.   In the Korean War, South Korea and a U.S.-led U.N. force fought communist North Korea, which was backed by the Soviet Union and China.

65.   Indian army forces have been fighting militants for control of mountain peaks since May.

66.   Indian forces here are fighting guerrillas who can hide an automatic rifle under the traditional long woolen cloak that most Kashmiri men wear.

67.   Israeli warplanes blasted a Palestinian guerrilla base outside Beirut after Lebanese guerrillas and Israeli forces fought fierce battles Monday in south Lebanon, security officials said.

68.   Israeli warplanes blasted a Palestinian guerrilla base outside Beirut after Lebanese guerrillas and Israeli forces fought Monday in south Lebanon, security officials said.

69.   Lallah urged the junta to investigate widespread allegations of soldiers killing civilians and insurgents in areas where government forces are fighting ethnic rebels.

70.   Liberian government forces were fighting Friday for control of the main rebel stronghold, a diamond-rich town northwest of the capital, defense officials said.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
fight 0.78%
每页显示:    共 155