61.   Both countries accused the other of starting the fighting over an undemarcated area, and who triggered the row remains less than clear.

62.   Both Russian and Chechen spokesmen said that Grozny, the scene of ferocious fighting over the last two weeks, was quiet.

63.   Both sides claimed the other started the fighting over the area, which has unconfirmed mineral wealth.

64.   The two groups frequently accuse each other of targetting party activists, and dozens have died in factional fighting over the past two years.

65.   The situation in Bihac was relatively calm on Sunday evening in comparison with fierce fighting over the past few days.

66.   The Sudanese opposition, meanwhile, stated that despite government reports of battles, there had been no fighting over the past three days.

67.   There has been a lull in street fighting over the last four hours following an exchange of gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades between rival Liberian militias early Wednesday.

68.   Vedeno and the surrounding villages were captured by the Russians in brutal fighting over the last month.

69.   Witnesses said ECOMOG troops had also deployed in some suburbs and the diplomatic enclave of Mamba Point, the scene of factional fighting over the past weeks.

70.   Subsequent fighting over the winter has led to little change in this situation which is expected to last until the spring.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
fighting 0.17%
fighting + p. >>共 54
in 48.43%
between 16.41%
for 7.42%
on 4.36%
around 3.72%
at 2.28%
over 1.85%
near 1.52%
among 1.44%
since 1.27%
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