61.   The officials said they were not training the rebels fighting to oust Burundian President Pierre Buyoya.

62.   The rebels are fighting to oust Kabila, who they accuse of corruption and ethnic favoritism.

63.   The rebels, fighting to oust Congolese President Laurent Kabila, apparently killed the villagers in retaliation for an attack by a pro-government militia, the report said.

64.   The rebels, fighting to oust the government, control large stretches of the interior.

65.   The rebels, many of them ethnic Tutsis from eastern Zaire, have been fighting to oust Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko since September.

66.   The rebels, fighting to oust dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, have captured the eastern third of Zaire.

67.   The rebels, fighting to oust the government, control swathes of the interior.

68.   The two were nominal allies, backing rival rebel factions fighting to oust Congo President Laurent Kabila.

69.   The two countries have so far apparently only provided logistical and technical support for Congolese rebels fighting to oust Kabila.

70.   They said in televised confessions that their action was inspired by the ideologies of militant Muslim groups fighting to oust secular Arab governments.

v. + oust >>共 29
fight 51.61%
fighting 8.39%
battle 7.74%
campaign 5.16%
work 3.23%
be 2.58%
use 2.58%
discuss 1.94%
do 1.29%
form 1.29%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
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