61.   Barnes is a family-practice doctor, and his family lives in a four-bedroom lakefront home with a white Lincoln Navigator in the garage.

62.   Because the family lived near the studio, casting directors would come over and ask to use one or more of the children in films.

63.   Before he was born his family actually lived in one of the houses Reagan lived in.

64.   Beck recalls the fretful months that followed, when her family lived in a Red Cross tent on the ashes of their neighborhood.

65.   Blrta, whose family is still living in a makeshift home while repairs continue on their house, wants to become a doctor.

66.   Both families had lived in sod houses when they arrived in Nebraska.

67.   Black and white families lived next to each other.

68.   Both sides have acknowledged that they could not agree on where the family would live and who would technically have custody of Elian.

69.   Both were Jews, whose families lived in fear of an oppressive Soviet regime.

70.   A lot has changed since the Rogers family lived there.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
family + v. >>共 624
be 13.06%
have 6.05%
say 5.70%
live 3.78%
move 3.20%
take 1.26%
receive 1.20%
come 1.18%
own 1.17%
go 1.11%
每页显示:    共 763