61.   We ought to help them in the same way if their factory closes.

62.   But when the factory closed, Juan Fernandez was left destitute, one year away from qualifying for a pension.

63.   Cheaper imports and free-market reforms are causing many Bangladeshi factories to close and workers to lose their jobs, business leaders say.

64.   Factories are closing as industries run out of foreign exchange to import essential inputs.

65.   Factories are closing.

66.   Fifty Palestinian factories have closed because of extensive Israeli security checks at crossings, according to Mohammad Dahlan, head of Palestinian preventive security.

n. + close >>共 1191
price 11.89%
market 6.40%
stock 6.36%
share 3.02%
police 2.82%
future 2.32%
index 2.22%
authority 2.19%
company 1.75%
official 1.75%
factory 0.68%
factory + v. >>共 354
be 20.22%
produce 5.94%
have 4.98%
close 3.96%
make 3.84%
operate 1.74%
run 1.68%
use 1.44%
continue 1.26%
pay 1.20%
每页显示:    共 66