61.   For years, prepaying a mortgage by putting extra money toward principal each month seemed like sound financial advice for those who have extra cash.

62.   From coaster operators to costumed chickens, the parks are offering a wide variety of openings for folks looking to pick up some extra spending cash.

63.   Got a little extra cash and an itch to hobnob with the rich and maybe famous?

64.   He blames a debt recapitalization that Kroger underwent several years ago that wiped out its equity and left it with little extra cash to upgrade its systems.

65.   He drove the team bus to make extra cash for his young family.

66.   He has said he did it to earn a little extra cash.

67.   Higher earnings at media companies indicate that retailers, banks and consumer products companies had enough extra cash to spend more on advertising.

68.   He was happy to spring the extra cash, he says, because the restaurant was popular and he figured it would ultimately go into the black.

69.   Home buyers with extra cash can also cut their interest rates by paying additional points.

70.   His family believes he wanted to use the extra cash to go to California, possibly to visit friends.

a. + cash >>共 555
extra 9.01%
needed 3.77%
new 3.53%
large 2.99%
electronic 2.56%
little 2.02%
additional 1.98%
ready 1.90%
excess 1.90%
spare 1.63%
extra + n. >>共 1010
money 5.38%
time 5.18%
security 2.39%
cost 2.33%
day 2.22%
point 2.13%
cash 1.55%
police 1.30%
charge 1.28%
inning 1.24%
每页显示:    共 231