61.   DiMaggio, however, became upset when he learned from family and friends of the extensive coverage of his condition.

62.   Even the Communist Party daily Granma did not mention the anniversary, instead providing extensive coverage of a gathering of international economists hosted by President Fidel Castro.

63.   Extensive coverage is planned for the matches themselves.

64.   Extensive coverage of the last war helped turn public opinion against it as people saw horrific scenes on their television screens.

65.   Extensive coverage is expected for a news conference and his public plea to save his debt-troubled but thriving company.

66.   For the hard-core NFL fan, having no local team means much more extensive TV coverage than ever.

67.   For instance, they recently gave extensive coverage to a hunger strike by Tibetan exiles in India.

68.   In newspapers, the flap with Washington has warranted some headlines but not extensive coverage.

69.   It had received extensive coverage by local broadcast stations and newspapers.

70.   Milosevic has grudgingly allowed two independent radio stations to resume broadcasts after shutting them down after they gave extensive coverage to demonstrations against him.

a. + coverage >>共 725
insurance 8.73%
live 6.01%
universal 4.76%
medical 2.84%
health_care 2.74%
extensive 2.28%
man-to-man 2.28%
full 2.21%
double 1.88%
comprehensive 1.83%
extensive + n. >>共 1190
damage 7.14%
experience 2.66%
research 2.64%
use 2.01%
coverage 1.59%
network 1.55%
search 1.27%
interview 1.17%
collection 1.15%
background 1.10%
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