61.   I knew it would be difficult to explain the reasons I have fallen for Ms. Grimes and her stories, and it is.

62.   If a health plan cancels or refuses to sign a contract with a doctor, it must explain its reasons.

63.   In a letter to Mostovoy dated that day, Martin explained his reasons for withholding the money.

64.   In a recent interview at his Copacabana apartment, Falabella tried to explain the reasons for his theatrical success.

65.   In any case, these factors may help to explain the reason why two to three times as many women suffer from anxiety disorders as men.

66.   In explaining his reasons for a lengthy sentence, Wilkinson said Naman used a deadly weapon and endangered the lives of others besides Wilcox.

67.   In Georgia Saturday, Gingrich explained his reason for choosing to leave Congress altogether.

68.   In that event, we are prepared to provide briefings that explain our reasons for approving the project.

69.   It also explains the reason for the changes.

70.   Kevorkian then asked if he could explain his reasons for leaving to the jury, and the judge told him he could if he chose to testify.

v. + reason >>共 360
have 40.02%
give 19.58%
see 8.10%
cite 6.38%
find 3.29%
explain 2.52%
offer 1.98%
know 1.34%
provide 1.19%
understand 0.84%
explain + n. >>共 1380
decision 3.64%
reason 3.51%
difference 2.29%
action 2.25%
situation 1.97%
position 1.75%
discrepancy 1.29%
problem 1.25%
thing 1.14%
phenomenon 1.02%
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