61.   Methane can be re-used as an energy source.

62.   Alternatively, plants could buy emission credits through carbon dioxide trading markets or avoid penalties by investing in alternative energy sources.

63.   Among those would be tax credits for alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and biomass.

64.   American car manufacturers have less than a decade to come up with an alternative and affordable energy source to gasoline.

65.   And oil, gas and coal will remain dominant energy sources for years to come.

66.   And sucrose, or sugar, is a perfectly sound energy source for most people.

67.   And those pinwheels on the farm look suspiciously like an alternate energy source.

68.   Another concern will be the future of environmental goals, such as use of renewable energy sources and clean fossil fuels.

69.   Apologists for the company blame such costs on it being burdened with nuclear reactor debt and being forced by regulators to use more Earth-friendly energy sources.

70.   As successful as the Fetzer energy program is, smaller wineries are encountering problems utilizing alternative energy sources.

n. + source >>共 488
police 14.02%
security 12.82%
government 9.35%
energy 4.29%
industry 4.19%
hospital 3.75%
intelligence 2.77%
water 2.57%
ministry 2.52%
power 2.26%
energy + n. >>共 709
company 6.86%
price 6.67%
source 4.29%
crisis 3.58%
cost 3.53%
policy 3.42%
sector 2.49%
efficiency 2.21%
industry 2.15%
bill 2.05%
每页显示:    共 377