61.   Those helicopters are designed to insert and remove elite Air Force commandos, including target spotters, deep behind enemy lines without detection.

62.   Transferred to an intelligence unit, he was trained for service behind enemy lines in France.

63.   Two Bosnian soldiers and one Serbian soldier are trapped in a trench between the opposing enemy lines.

64.   While behind enemy lines, he was mistakenly shot by French soldiers.

65.   Working for the mysterious Special Operations Executive, he created secret codes for British agents gathering information behind enemy lines.

66.   A dozen Ethiopian prisoners sat among enemy lines after they defected saying the battle was not theirs.

67.   As a young paratrooper, Mordechai excelled behind enemy lines.

68.   Assigned to Stars and Stripes, he was awarded the Legion of Merit for coverage of Allied operations behind enemy lines in Sicily.

69.   Bright Star will later include air strikes from the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, commando raids behind enemy lines and large-scale ground battles with tanks and artillery.

70.   Callaghan earned many combat awards, including the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Bronze Star for a parachute jump behind enemy lines in Vietnam.

a. + line >>共 738
offensive 8.59%
long 7.17%
new 3.95%
defensive 3.51%
blue 2.73%
fine 2.21%
state 2.01%
first 1.86%
straight 1.71%
same 1.44%
enemy 0.59%
enemy + n. >>共 336
fire 8.14%
force 6.54%
territory 6.33%
line 6.23%
troop 5.20%
fighter 4.74%
soldier 4.02%
missile 3.35%
position 2.68%
radar 2.63%
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