61.   Additional savings would come from eliminating duplication in drug tests, counseling and education programs.

62.   After Susan Taraskiewicz complained, Northwest undertook education programs for workers about sexual harassment.

63.   After the votes, which also reinserted elements of the Bush education program that had been stripped by conservatives in subcommittee, Bush spokesmen declared a major victory.

64.   Alexander, who was also President of the University of Tennessee, advocates sending most elementary and secondary education programs back to the states.

65.   Both legislators in South Carolina who switched to the Democratic Party complained that Republican leaders tried to force them to vote against education programs that their constituents supported.

66.   Bush excoriated most federal education programs as ineffective, but he also called for a big expansion of the Education Department.

67.   Bush has said he supports bilingual education programs that work.

68.   Bush accused Gore, a Democrat, of advocating a big-spending liberal education program that invited the federal government to intrude into local decision making.

69.   Bush said he will revamp Head Start, the federally funded but chronically underfunded preschool education program.

70.   Brogan said federal education programs should be re-evaluated periodically, and money should be allocated only to the programs that are proven to work.

n. + program >>共 1065
government 3.08%
computer 2.82%
television 2.29%
weapon 2.13%
education 2.08%
news 1.91%
software 1.70%
space 1.54%
welfare 1.53%
treatment 1.30%
education + n. >>共 551
program 9.98%
system 6.19%
official 4.52%
minister 4.23%
reform 4.03%
bill 3.10%
campaign 2.42%
ministry 1.86%
secretary 1.76%
policy 1.70%
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