61.   Professors went on strike two weeks ago urging the government to increase the education budget and give university workers overdue vacation and social security pay.

62.   Several hundred students pelted police with eggs, firecrackers and stones Thursday in the first substantial violence in a wave of student protests in Germany over its education budget.

63.   Sukhavich was accused of, among other things, handing out bribes and using the education budget to build hotels instead of schools.

64.   The teachers also want a guarantee of no further cuts to the education budget and no layoffs.

65.   The two parties agreed deep cuts in spending on city employees and tax hikes but spared the education budget and largely spared cultural spending.

66.   In Nicaragua, university students demanded a larger education budget.

67.   Among the requirements to succeed in this venture Clinton called for maintaining the education budget and continuing efforts to fight violence in the schools.

68.   Chaowalit, speaking at an education seminar in Bangkok, said the education budget currently represented four percent of gross domestic product.

69.   The miners joined thousands of teachers, who launched their own strike Tuesday, also for back wages and better financing of the education budget.

70.   This embarrassing news comes despite the fact that the country is one of the biggest spenders when it comes to education budgets.

n. + budget >>共 357
defense 12.58%
government 6.74%
draft 5.59%
education 3.67%
school 3.37%
city 3.12%
austerity 2.77%
year 2.72%
travel 2.47%
ad 1.86%
education + n. >>共 551
program 9.98%
system 6.19%
official 4.52%
minister 4.23%
reform 4.03%
bill 3.10%
campaign 2.42%
ministry 1.86%
secretary 1.76%
policy 1.70%
budget 1.17%
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