61.   It eats fish, but its favorite meal is the common merganser, a duck.

62.   It is doubtful that Minamata Bay itself will again come to host a thriving fishing industry since the public is likely to remain wary of eating its fish.

63.   It sounds remarkable to imagine eating local fish fresh from the water in a shoreline restaurant overlooking the broad expanse of Lake Erie.

64.   KEEPING THE MERCURY DOWN People are eating more fish these days, which is good for their health.

65.   Kirke King, contaminants specialist for the federal wildlife agency, said the study shows people should continue to avoid eating fish caught along the lower Gila River.

66.   Like most of the desperately poor people who live at the edge of Lake Managua, Enrique Duarte has heard the government warnings against eating contaminated fish.

67.   Many people say they will not eat fish from the Boyne or the nearby Irish Sea.

68.   Like canaries in a coal mine, then, the deformed or dying eaglets who eat the fish serve as a warning for humans.

69.   Locals say they know not to eat the fish at certain times of the year when algae blooms from the sewage cause illness.

70.   Most of the benefits of fish oils are associated with studies of people who eat fish regularly.

v. + fish >>共 572
catch 9.34%
eat 7.50%
kill 3.13%
have 2.43%
place 1.76%
cook 1.65%
sell 1.62%
remove 1.51%
buy 1.47%
find 1.40%
eat + n. >>共 1111
food 7.80%
lunch 5.12%
meat 4.04%
fish 2.98%
meal 2.93%
dinner 2.74%
breakfast 2.43%
lot 1.73%
beef 1.65%
sandwich 1.26%
每页显示:    共 203