61.   A month later, when an earthquake shook Greece, Turkish rescue workers rushed to the country.

62.   A light earthquake shook Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Thursday.

63.   A major earthquake shook Central America on Saturday, destroying churches, blocking highways and collapsing a hillside that buried hundreds of homes.

64.   A major earthquake shook Central America on Saturday, shattering windows in El Salvador and setting off car alarms in Guatemala City.

65.   A mild earthquake on Monday shook a north China county flattened by a powerful winter quake, but caused no damage or casualties, government seismologists said.

66.   A mild earthquake on Saturday shook this western Turkish city which was leveled by a strong quake last October.

67.   A mild earthquake shook central Turkey on Tuesday, the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said.

68.   A mild earthquake shook Manila and nearby provinces before dawn Tuesday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties, government seismologists said.

69.   A mild earthquake shook parts of Colorado on Christmas Day, hours after an earlier quake struck the high desert near Death Valley, Calif.

70.   A mild earthquake shook residents of upstate New York on Saturday, but there were no reports of injuries or damage.

n. + shake >>共 701
earthquake 17.94%
hand 4.36%
explosion 3.86%
quake 2.49%
man 2.45%
blast 1.87%
building 1.84%
ground 1.84%
tremor 1.45%
leader 1.38%
earthquake + v. >>共 174
shake 25.26%
rock 9.59%
strike 9.37%
be 8.78%
hit 7.97%
rattle 7.49%
jolt 6.19%
cause 2.80%
occur 1.88%
devastate 0.97%
每页显示:    共 466