61.   Hospitals and health maintenance organizations are earning big profits on Medicare patients, new government studies conclude.

62.   However, as bad as business was last year, companies continued to sell goods and services and some earned profits, improving on prior-year performances.

63.   If municipal governments earn such profits, called arbitrage, they are required to turn them over to the Treasury.

64.   If municipal governments earn those profits, called arbitrage, they are required to rebate the profits to the Treasury.

65.   If you were fortunate enough to earn profits on other investments, you can use capital losses to offset those.

66.   In addition, he said, by delaying payment, the insurers are able to continue investing the disputed money, earning profit on the funds at risk.

67.   In real life, though, there were many ways to earn profits without a recent innovation.

68.   In return, state regulators agreed to allow Rochester Tel to earn higher profits than under earlier rules.

69.   In the early years, campers had the chance to earn profits from their labors.

70.   Indeed, Yahoo is one of the few Internet companies that actually earns a profit that can be trimmed.

v. + profit >>共 638
make 9.97%
take 7.65%
boost 6.61%
turn 5.52%
hurt 4.83%
report 2.72%
increase 2.34%
generate 1.94%
reap 1.92%
earn 1.81%
earn + n. >>共 746
money 9.99%
degree 5.01%
living 4.90%
reputation 4.63%
respect 3.59%
doctorate 2.88%
right 2.81%
point 2.68%
spot 2.47%
profit 2.34%
每页显示:    共 176