61.   Suharto said earlier today he plans to run for a seventh five-year term.

62.   The allegations that Clinton had an affair with former intern Monica Lewinsky shook U.S. financial markets Friday and again earlier today.

63.   The department said earlier today it will resume release of its weekly jobless claims report next Thursday.

64.   The Senate, before passing its version of the bill earlier today, defeated an amendment to increase funding for tobacco enforcement from its current level.

65.   The undated ROCK-NOTES-SPI by Gene Stout sent earlier today is killed.

66.   The undated story BC-ONBUSINESS-COLUMN-BOS, sent earlier today, is KILLED.

67.   The undated SALMON-POWER-SPI by Rob Taylor and Neil Modie sent earlier today is killed.

68.   The undatelined story SCI-NOTEBOOK, which moved earlier today, contains inaccuracies.

69.   Trading of Docks shares were suspended on the Paris Bourse earlier today, pending an announcement by the company.

70.   Transport Minister Gayssot said earlier today he thinks an agreement is possible this evening.

a. + today >>共 172
early 30.36%
later 15.60%
late 9.10%
earlier 8.64%
higher 4.09%
same 2.41%
available 1.86%
little 1.11%
different 0.93%
usual 0.84%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
today 0.67%
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