61.   India insisted that the talks should also address trade, regional terrorism, nuclear safeguards, drug trafficking and the resumption of cricket matches.

62.   Investigators believe Montesinos ran a criminal empire involving arms deals, drug trafficking and influence peddling that permeated the judiciary, Congress, the armed forces and the media.

63.   India has insisted that talks should also address trade, regional terrorism, nuclear safeguards, drug trafficking and the resumption of cricket matches.

64.   Iran and Greece have signed a security cooperation accord to combat international terrorism, drug trafficking and the smuggling of antiquities, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

65.   John Paul urged the crowd to use its faith to fight violence, drug trafficking and other ills of society in the new millennium.

66.   Japan wants to step up cooperative efforts to fight terrorism, the spread of AIDS, drug trafficking and environmental damage, Hashimoto said.

67.   Leeson does not, however, face the prospect of flogging, a punishment reserved for those convicted of violent crimes, drug trafficking or vandalism.

68.   Marleen De Cockere, was held on criminal conspiracy charges and is suspected of involvement in kidnapping and drug trafficking, prosecutors told the national news agency, Belga.

69.   Merlino is on trial with six other reputed mobsters for murder, attempted murder, extortion, drug trafficking and other offenses.

70.   Montesinos faces dozens of charges involving corruption, arms smuggling, drug trafficking and directing paramilitary death squads.

n. + traffic >>共 73
drug 55.76%
arm 6.69%
narcotic 3.35%
charge 1.12%
company 1.12%
datum 1.12%
information 1.12%
man 1.12%
weapon 1.12%
group 0.74%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
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