61.   A group of Jewish settlers on Thursday scuffled with Arab workers drilling a well in a village south of the West Bank town of Hebron, Palestinians said.

62.   As rivers dry up, cities and farms drill more wells.

63.   Brand said eight wells had been drilled so far, five of which had been on the structure.

64.   But, Cornyn charged, the companies drilled wells too close to state land and extracted state-owned oil and gas without permission.

65.   Fairman also is relying on seismic data to identify other areas in Chemung County where successful gas wells can be drilled.

66.   He is responsible for the whole operation and will do his best to ensure that the well is drilled quickly, safely and economically.

67.   In the next few months, Pemex plans to offer long-term contracts to foreign companies for services ranging from technical advice to drilling gas wells.

68.   It said two exploration wells had been drilled in the NEMED concession and preparations for the start of a second drilling campaign were under way.

69.   It started drilling wells and, as luck would have it, the largest share of the oil lay under its land.

70.   It said more wells would be drilled to determine the full extent of the reservoir.

v. + well >>共 172
drill 13.08%
dig 12.15%
make 8.45%
serve 5.42%
wish 4.23%
have 3.43%
know 2.91%
poison 2.51%
sink 2.11%
contaminate 1.85%
drill + n. >>共 188
hole 29.00%
well 14.00%
shot 4.81%
ball 3.82%
student 1.70%
double 1.56%
single 1.56%
rig 1.41%
company 1.13%
three 1.13%
每页显示:    共 98