61.   Chiluba told a news conference that pressure from donor nations prevented him from appointing the three MMD officials to the government.

62.   Coincidentally, a panel of lawmakers in neighboring Sweden, also a major donor nation, announced similar conclusions in Stockholm.

63.   Council members also welcomed efforts by Secretary-General Kofi Annan to tackle the refugee problem and thanked donor nations who accept refugees on a temporary basis.

64.   Demand for U.N. humanitarian aid is rising but contributions from donor nations have remained flat, officials have said.

65.   Despite its relatively low cost, Nyakyi said it was a struggle persuading donor nations to contribute.

66.   Donor nations and Western lending institutions also have urged cuts in government spending that they say could be achieved by amalgamating some ministries.

67.   Donor nations and Western lending institutions also have urged cuts in government spending through amalgamating some ministries.

68.   Donor nations and agencies have suspended aid or said they would review their programs, and the United Nations was expected to impose some form of arms embargo.

69.   Donor nations are hesitant to give money because a dozen previous accords have collapsed.

70.   Donor nations have in the past complained of increasing repression by the state and its agents.

n. + nation >>共 329
island 23.80%
member 16.59%
host 9.11%
donor 7.14%
bloc 3.19%
rogue 2.84%
creditor 1.59%
delta 1.45%
candidate 1.25%
east 1.18%
donor + n. >>共 196
country 29.62%
nation 13.65%
conference 6.23%
list 3.18%
organ 2.85%
heart 2.65%
government 2.45%
agency 1.99%
egg 1.99%
community 1.19%
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