61.   Once at Missoula, the Italians divided along generational lines.

62.   Politically, the country is still divided largely along racial lines, although the only new party, the United Democratic Movement, is multiracial.

63.   Politics is thus dividing along caste lines.

64.   Reaction to the proposal was divided largely along partisan lines.

65.   Precincts in predominantly African-American areas voted overwhelmingly against Proposition A, while white neighborhoods were divided along economic lines.

66.   Reaction to the verdict has in many cases been divided along racial lines.

67.   San Francisco, one of the most racially diverse cities in the world, is very much divided along racial lines.

68.   Sarver, one of four white members of a nine-member board that has been deeply divided along racial lines, acknowledged some racial consideration in his decision.

69.   Since peace talks broke off nearly two years ago, villages have divided along political, religious and economic lines.

70.   Support for tobacco subsidies divides along regional, not party, lines.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
get 1.75%
send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
divide + p. >>共 43
over 35.73%
on 30.41%
in 9.56%
along 6.58%
about 6.38%
as 2.42%
for 1.23%
at 1.15%
than 0.87%
since 0.87%
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