61.   She said the discovery could lead to new therapies to treat skin cancer.

62.   That discovery apparently led to the arrests of the two last Wednesday.

63.   That discovery apparently led to the arrests of the two, who are suspected of having recruited the five suicide attackers.

64.   That discovery apparently led to the weekend arrests of the two, who are suspected of having recruited the five suicide attackers.

65.   That discovery led to the decision to implant in his chest a combination pacemaker and internal defibrillator.

66.   The discovery could lead to preventive treatments for the disease, which usually strikes children before their teen years.

67.   The discovery led to better understanding and treatment of neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis, which can cause serious chronic muscle weakness.

68.   The discoveries have led to calls for China to be thrown out of the championships and heightened suspicions of widespread drug abuse in the country.

69.   The discovery has also led to the creation of an entirely new form of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate.

70.   The discovery led investigators to believe the four fugitives traveled into Oklahoma together after their escape.

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discovery + v. >>共 279
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