61.   No one expects that to happen, but if it does it will mean a sudden huge tax increase that may have disastrous economic consequences.

62.   Of course, when the potato crop failed, that meant disastrous consequences for Ireland which relied heavily on the potato.

63.   One member of my own family made exactly the same choices as McCall, but with far more disastrous consequences.

64.   Otherwise the government would have to go into default, with unthinkably disastrous consequences.

65.   Perhaps Atlanta had what the Greeks call hubris, excessive pride that often leads to disastrous consequences.

66.   Slowly they discover too much about who they are, with disastrous consequences.

67.   Sometimes they discover gaps in the system, where families have fallen through the cracks with disastrous consequences, unnoticed by authorities despite previous signs of distress.

68.   Sometimes, Post says, such reactions can have disastrous consequences.

69.   Still, throwing a sharp piece of lumber in the direction of another player could have had disastrous consequences.

70.   That is how men such as Hitler and Lenin came to power in the first half of this expiring century, with disastrous consequences.

a. + consequence >>共 493
serious 7.22%
unintended 6.14%
dire 5.47%
political 3.96%
possible 3.20%
disastrous 3.15%
economic 2.85%
long-term 2.48%
negative 2.21%
potential 1.86%
disastrous + n. >>共 429
consequence 8.64%
result 6.43%
start 4.58%
effect 3.40%
season 2.66%
flood 1.77%
year 1.55%
loss 1.55%
performance 1.55%
war 1.40%
每页显示:    共 116