61.   These concerns are taking a heavy toll on an already beleaguered economy, threatening to unravel the small gains Mexico has made since the peso was devalued last December.

62.   They went to the polls amid fears that the Argentine peso could be devalued and inflation return if anyone except Menem took power.

63.   Those plans were put on hold, though, when Mexico devalued the peso in late December, precipitating a financial crisis that plunged the country into recession.

64.   Unlike Fernandez, Zedillo has not said the peso should be devalued to maintain a stable economy.

65.   When it devalued the peso, Mexico may have devalued investor confidence even more.

66.   When the Argentine government decided over the weekend to devalue the peso, it also decided on several measures to spare its citizens some of the pain of devaluation.

67.   While the dollar struggled against the yen, Mexico, another big U.S. trading partner, suddenly devalued the peso.

68.   With the economy mired in recession, Wall Street and Argentine citizens worry that the government may be running out of options other than to devalue the peso.

69.   Past presidents devalued the peso as they were about to leave office, leaving their successors with a clean slate.

70.   A report by the Singapore newspaper The Straits Times that a proposal to devalue the peso would be discussed by the Monetary Board triggered another speculative attack Wednesday.

v. + peso >>共 131
devalue 15.77%
support 5.68%
weaken 5.40%
peg 5.26%
defend 4.26%
buoy 4.26%
buy 2.98%
stabilize 2.98%
strengthen 2.84%
boost 2.56%
devalue + n. >>共 102
currency 46.91%
peso 12.25%
ruble 7.28%
baht 5.85%
yuan 4.86%
real 1.99%
bolivar 1.43%
franc 1.32%
pound 1.21%
dong 0.99%
每页显示:    共 110