61.   Six other WEU countries - Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany and Britain - have declared themselves ready to offer logistical aid.

v. + ready >>共 24
get 41.20%
declare 12.63%
have 11.39%
make 8.49%
pronounce 4.97%
deem 3.52%
consider 2.69%
keep 2.48%
report 2.07%
find 1.66%
declare + a. >>共 313
dead 9.06%
bankrupt 7.87%
unconstitutional 6.69%
illegal 6.55%
ineligible 4.58%
invalid 3.10%
off-limits 3.05%
ready 3.00%
unfit 2.76%
eligible 2.56%
每页显示:    共 61