61.   But, if religious involvement can be measured in dollars and cents, other data show church members have been moving for years in a different direction.

62.   Canadian data also show accident reductions in broad daylight.

63.   Census Bureau data do show that the ratio of managers to production workers has risen over the last three decades.

64.   Census data show significant generational changes.

65.   Census data show that for the first time the poverty rate among Hispanics in the United States has surpassed that of blacks.

66.   Commerce Department data also shows that for the first time, the monthly deficit with China was bigger than the deficit with Japan.

67.   Computer data showed that all the changes were made by the same person, who used his own name to log into the system, the university said.

68.   Comparative Asian American data has not been published, but other data show that Asian American teen birthrates have followed a similar downward path.

69.   Data also showed the drug to work faster than the original strength, company presenters said.

70.   Data show a notable attitudinal shift in the past few years among secular youth.

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