61.   They did this by emphasising the development of measurement scales by which data could be systematically organised and available for various forms of mathematical manipulation.

62.   Digitizing existing maps is essential if the data derived from decades of surveying are to be made available to digital cartographic systems.

63.   The database itself is structured according to the uses to which the data are to be put.

64.   Firstly, it is not clear that data are unavailable for some of the countries.

65.   Again, a minimum data value of zero is specified so as to eliminate those countries for which no data are available.

66.   Of all the data types described in this book, Landsat data are the only kind that are interpreted and used in the form of pictures or images.

67.   Digital data must eventually be the single language of multimedia because it is also the language of computers.

68.   One way, therefore, of reducing the digital data is simply to reduce the number of samples taken.

69.   This suggests, of course, that the data could be real time information and that MBS could therefore be used as a videoconferencing facility.

70.   Data is costly to collect, store and keep up-to-date and it is also costly to transform data into information.

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