61.   No properties were damaged.

62.   No one was believed hurt, but property was damaged, he said.

63.   On Tuesday morning, Hezbollah guerrillas fired five rocket volleys into northern Israel, wounding at least six Israelis, damaging property and sending thousands fleeing into bomb shelters.

64.   Police commissioner, Alfred Gewe said the arrested were booked for throwing stones, injuring several people and damaging property.

65.   Police said some of the protesters had damaged property and intimidated other hawkers into joining the protest.

66.   She was charged with setting fire to timber in the national forest, damaging federal property and making false statements to investigators, Leone said.

67.   She said he has also punched walls and damaged property during other arguments.

68.   Several tornadoes in Iowa damaged property and were blamed for at least several injuries, while officials in Denver, Mo., also reported a large twister.

69.   Sixteen people were injured in the collapse, which also damaged properties in surrounding areas, including several cars, the report added.

70.   Small leftist groups have claimed responsibility for most of the incidents, which have damaged property but caused few injuries.

v. + property >>共 568
buy 7.59%
sell 7.50%
own 6.08%
seize 3.90%
have 3.58%
protect 3.07%
confiscate 2.34%
damage 2.32%
destroy 2.18%
use 2.00%
damage + n. >>共 1108
building 5.74%
car 5.21%
house 4.17%
home 3.08%
vehicle 3.03%
crop 2.36%
relation 2.00%
reputation 1.65%
environment 1.65%
property 1.58%
每页显示:    共 103