61.   But Nagato noted that the cut has affected staff in Japan only, not those in Thailand and in other branches.

62.   Cuts also will affect some Latin American operations.

63.   Earlier, Hashimoto had told Clinton that he hopes U.S. budget cuts do not affect the American contribution to KEDO.

64.   Finance Minister Marek Belka said the cuts would affect all areas of spending, although they would be less severe in health care, justice and education.

65.   He said operations in Germany will be hardest hit, but other cuts will affect London and New York.

66.   In a statement, the cellphone and semiconductor giant said the cuts will affect all business segments and corporate headquarters operations.

67.   Ironically, Hudson said, the cuts will affect Pakistan more than the refugees.

68.   Job cuts will affect workers from the factory floor to personnel in Virginia headquarters, Chipperfield said.

69.   Knight said existing commercial contracts would be sacrosanct, and that the cuts would not affect the quality of services to athletes or spectators.

70.   Mankiller has warned the cuts will affect education, job training and health services.

n. + affect >>共 1607
change 3.20%
strike 2.39%
decision 1.98%
cut 1.82%
problem 1.80%
ruling 1.59%
disease 1.29%
crisis 1.17%
rule 1.03%
move 0.92%
cut + v. >>共 562
be 32.40%
come 5.56%
have 2.78%
help 2.57%
affect 2.49%
take 1.99%
make 1.70%
mean 1.39%
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