61.   Customers would use pay phones or borrow the use of phones to get the messages and return them.

62.   Department of Water and Power spokeswoman Darlene Battle said customers used electricity at an all-time high Monday.

63.   Even if that occurs, most of the gas that customers use will still be capped and the overall effect of higher prices cushioned.

64.   Federal regulators are putting a stop to a local Kansas ordinance that restricted the installation and use of satellite dishes that customers use to receive multi-channel video services.

65.   For an extra fee, Citibank allows customers to use banking and brokerage services through their computers or a special telephone with a keyboard and screen.

66.   For example, competitors would need to tap Bell Atlantic records to find out what services a customer used.

67.   For instance, Fidelity customers can now use their cell phones and voice recognition technology to hear stock quotes.

68.   For instance, EarthLink customers can use a filter called the Spamilator.

69.   For emergency care, a customer could use any provider.

70.   For example, a customer can use the CrossWorlds product to link its financial management system from SAP with its sales-force automation system from Siebel.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
customer 0.59%
customer + v. >>共 981
be 14.37%
have 5.05%
want 3.29%
buy 2.95%
pay 2.86%
get 2.61%
use 2.11%
include 1.93%
come 1.43%
say 1.35%
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