61.   Despite the crushing defeat for Wahid, his aides denied speculation that he might resign.

62.   Even Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and her ruling pro-EU Labor Party have gained in polls, despite their crushing defeat in the referendum.

63.   Faced with a crushing defeat for pro-military parties, the ruling generals refused to relinquish power.

64.   Hashimoto said he would step down after voters handed his party a crushing defeat in elections Sunday for the upper house of Parliament.

65.   In a crushing defeat for school-prayer supporters, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that praying in public schools must be private.

66.   Iraq has rebuilt much of its military despite its crushing defeat in the Gulf War and the four-year-old United Nations sanctions.

67.   It was a crushing defeat for Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, who had been widely expected to advance to the next round.

68.   It was a crushing defeat for the factory-backed Porsches which were one-two for most of the race.

69.   It was a crushing defeat for the factory-backed Porsches, which were one-two for most of the race.

70.   Obuchi took office under a cloud, replacing Ryutaro Hashimoto after the ruling Liberal Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat in elections for the upper house of Parliament.

a. + defeat >>共 429
humiliating 5.75%
straight 5.46%
first 4.70%
second 4.54%
crushing 3.62%
consecutive 3.58%
electoral 2.99%
third 2.53%
fourth 2.04%
military 1.97%
crushing + n. >>共 246
defeat 15.11%
blow 9.89%
debt 4.40%
loss 4.26%
disappointment 3.16%
victory 3.02%
poverty 2.61%
burden 1.92%
soybean 1.65%
election 1.51%
每页显示:    共 109