61.   The disclosure in a court judgment comes after a strident campaign against homosexuals by President Robert Mugabe, an ally of Banana.

62.   The contractor then won a court judgment in Oklahoma City court requiring the Potawatomi to pay.

63.   The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday approved legislation to make it easier for victims of terrorism to collect multimillion-dollar court judgments.

64.   The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act would free frozen assets to satisfy U.S. court judgments in terrorism cases.

65.   The lower court judgment, handed down in January, was the largest collective death sentence passed in India.

66.   The report was filled with college loans and court judgments for bad credit entered in Harvey County, Walton said.

67.   The report was filled with college loans and court judgments for bad credit.

68.   The two banks say they are worried that separate court judgments may result in them having to pay the sums out twice.

69.   The world court judgment will be seen as a test for other, more high-profile war crimes procedures launched in Belgium against current and former government leaders.

70.   Valle Hernandez and his father won a court judgment two years ago for ownership of the lot and recently tried to evict relatives living there.

n. + judgment >>共 95
court 27.86%
news 7.86%
default 7.50%
business 6.43%
multimillion-dollar 3.21%
policy 2.50%
damage 2.14%
money 1.79%
malpractice 1.43%
reserve 1.43%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
judgment 0.45%
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