61.   Also sworn in Thursday was Vice President Ratu Jope Seniloli, widely known as a supporter of coup leader George Speight.

62.   Although in custody on treason charges for his actions, coup leader George Speight also is standing as a candidate for a nationalist Fijian party.

63.   Alleged coup leaders executed.

64.   An alleged coup leader told a court Wednesday that he was tortured by government police into implicating former Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda in the coup plot.

65.   Angela Zago, a university professor with close ties to all the coup leaders, is worried they might take more extreme actions.

66.   An opposition party on Wednesday urged Hasina to withdraw amnesty and put the coup leaders on trial.

67.   An American wounded in a grenade attack while working to nurture Cambodian democracy denounced coup leader Hun Sen on Tuesday, accusing him of returning the country to dictatorship.

68.   Another former coup leader, retired Lt. Col. Jesus Urdaneta, called on Chavez to fire two cabinet ministers and the head of the legislature.

69.   Another presumed coup leader, Rear Adm. Carlos Molina Tamayo, has applied for asylum in El Salvador, which is considering the petition.

70.   As tanks rolled into different Soviet capitals, including Riga, Rubiks rushed to express support for the coup leaders in Moscow.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
coup 1.51%
coup + n. >>共 91
attempt 39.95%
leader 26.41%
plot 9.40%
plotter 7.85%
rumor 2.54%
bid 2.23%
supporter 0.99%
suspect 0.68%
report 0.62%
threat 0.49%
每页显示:    共 425