61.   No other country has gone to the pains that we have to keep what they now call collateral damage to a minimum.

62.   On the one hand, the comedian considers himself patriotic and hated to see his country go through such embarrassment.

63.   Other countries have gone the Brazilian route.

64.   Prime Minister Jim Bolger is expected to indicate soon that the country could go the polls as early as mid-October.

65.   Rich countries are not going to be able to build a wall around themselves and shut themselves off.

66.   The country is going to be very pleased with these kids.

67.   The country may be going to hell in a handbasket, but the trip downhill is still a lot of fun in a Ford Explorer.

68.   The country has gone into a slow but dangerous tailspin.

69.   The country has gone too far promoting individual liberties, argued Stephen Presser, a legal historian at Northwestern University.

70.   The country is going broke trying to pay for the latest airplane.

n. + go >>共 1293
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country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
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